Made of clay, often incised with scenes of ships on the sea, pan-shaped objects with two-forked handles dating back to around 2000 BC have been found on many Cycladic islands. We still don't understand what these curious instruments were used for. Many have spirals covering most of the surface, usually interpreted as water or waves, some with multi-oared ships in the midst of them.
Toward the handle, a triangle that bears resemblance to a woman's anatomy is usually scratched into the clay. They are called frying pans because of their shape, but there are no fire marks. On the back side is a shallow rim that lifts the object off the table by an inch or so, when it is lying flat. Cycladic frying pans have been found in settlements as well as graves, so any religious function would need explanation. They might have been mirrors, if filled with dark olive oil. Maybe they are just plates, with handy rims to keep food from spilling while dining picnic style on the floor. It's a mystery.
What do you think they were used for?